Measuring altitudes based on changes in atmospheric pressure

The altimeter determines the altitude at your current location based on accumulated atmospheric pressure changes measured by the pressure sensor. Setting the altimeter at a location where you know the precise altitude before starting your ascent enables it to take even more precise altitude measurements.
Sea level measurement
Setting the altimeter at a location where you know the precise altitude enables you to determine the elevation of your current position with respect to sea level. If you come across a marker indicating 400 meters above sea level while hiking or climbing, for example, simply set the altimeter at 400 meters. This enables you to obtain more accurate readings with respect to sea.
Atmospheric pressure tendency graph / Atmospheric pressure tendency indicator
The barometer measures the atmospheric pressure every two hours automatically and displays the recent atmospheric pressure tendency and the current pressure graphically. level when you take subsequent measurements after moving on.
Forecasting the weather based on the atmospheric
pressure tendency

A graphic display of atmospheric pressure readings taken at regular intervals reveals pressure trends at a glance. When the pressure is rising, the weather is likely to improve; when it’s falling, there’s usually worse weather ahead. This feature can remind you to take your swimming suit along, or alert you to approaching trouble.
Bearing Memory [select models only]
The Bearing Memory memorizes directions detected by the direction measurement function and displays them continuously in graphic format. You can travel straight toward your destination by following a course determined with the memorized direction displayed steadily in the 12 o’clock position on your watch face. This capability also comes in handy when visibility is low due to such factors as trees or fog.
Aligning a map with the surrounding terrain

If you determine magnetic north with the direction measurement function and place a map beside your watch, you can align the map with the surrounding geography.
Magnetic declination correction
You can change the direction measurement standard from “magnetic north” to “true north” by inputting the magnetic declination data indicated on a topographical map to correct the direction.level when you take subsequent measurements after moving on.

Predicting your destination temperature based on the temperature
at your current location
The temperature generally decreases by approximately 6.5°C with every increase in altitude of 1,000 meters, or 3.6°F with every increase of 1,000 feet. If the temperature at 1,000 meters is 10°C, therefore, the temperature at 3,000 meters will probably be about -3°C.